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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Important Annoucement

  • The Leadership Conference will be held April 16th for permission forms and more info please see Mrs. Strakonsky

  • Annual Student Staff Basketball Game will be April 22nd entry is 2$ plus 2 cans at the door-the 3 point shot and slam dunk contest sign up will be available at the game and will be another 2$

  • FHS Film Festival will be April 30th 3$ entry fee at the door. If you are interested in submitting a movie get entry forms and more info please see Mrs. Strakonsky.

  • SGA Officer election forms are available May 17th for FHS students wishing to be an SGA Officer.
  • SGA Executive Committee forms will be available May 27th.


ATTENTION ALL FHS SENIORS! The SGA Scholarship is open to ANY senior. This scholarship is based on service in/out of Frederick High. Application forms are available April 23rd and are due by May 7th. Contact Mrs. Strakonsky for more information.

Freddie Design Contest

The design contest for a new Freddie head is officially closed to new entries. Voting will occur the week of March 29th in the Cafeteria during lunch shifts.